Category: News

Spring Banquet Photos Available

Al Burke, WB9SSE, has provided two photos from the FWRC Spring Banquet, which took place May 10, 2013. You’ll find them in our photo gallery.

May Fox Nearly Invisible

The fourth foxhunt of the 2013 FWRC’s foxhunt season occurred on Sunday, the 5th of May on a warm but overcast spring day. The mild Sunday afternoon put everyone in… Read more »

Contest-Related News

The FWRC participated in the Indiana QSO Party this weekend, and ammassed approximately 25,000 points. The next contest for the club will be the ARRL VHF QSO Party, June 8th… Read more »

Help Plan INQP Operation

For planning our upcoming Indiana QSO Party activity, which will be run this coming Saturday, May 4th, at Dolnick Learing Center on the IPFW campus, noon to midnight, please join… Read more »

Ham Radio Featured in Genealogy Magazine

The February/March 2013 issue of “Internet Genealogy” magazine included an article, “Can You Acknowledge Receipt?” by Fort Wayne author Carol Richey about QSL cards. The story quotes FWRC President Steve… Read more »