June 8 and 9, FWRC participated in the ARRL VHF QSO Party, the biggest VHF & up contest of the year. Because we did not receive confirmation to use Dolnick Learning Center at IPFW, a last minute change was made to operate from the QTH of Steve, W9SAN. We put up a temporary 30 foot tower with 6 and 2 meter yagis, set up stations in the trailer and my garage, and operated from 2 pm Saturday to 2 pm on Sunday. Despite bad propagation, we all had fun and made a decent number of contacts. We also put up a tripod and extendable mast for 432 and made several contacts on that band, too.
Special thanks to:
We also had a chance to Elmer a new ham by checking out his new QRP rig and making new key and power cables for him. (AC9EZ).