Category: News

foxhunt cartoon

July fox hides under log

The Foxhunt Chronicles The sixth foxhunt of the 2013 FWRC’s foxhunt season occurred on Sunday, the 14th of July as planned. The July hunters consisted of the team of Steve… Read more »

FWRC Board meeting this week

FWRC MEMBERS: Just a reminder that this month’s BOD (Board Of Directors) meeting is this Tuesday night, at 7:00 pm EDT, in room 138 of the Good Shepherd United Methodist… Read more »

Field Day 2013 video

Tom Rupp, KU8T created the video below of the FWRC 2013 Field Day operation: {youtube}59uNqpEZCUs{/youtube}

FWRC Field Day 2013 wrap-up

FIELD DAY WRAPUP: The 2013 addition of the ARRL Field Day activity is in the record books! Once again, the Fort Wayne Radio Club has made me the proudest club… Read more »

Field Day poster available

A PDF file containing a poster for Field Day 2013 is available. Use the link below to download it. {jd_file file==44}

How to find Field Day

The Fort Wayne Radio Club’s Field Day 2013 station will be located at Dolnick Learning Center on the north campus of Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne (northeast of the intersection… Read more »

Field Day 2013 Plans

(Webmaster’s note: The text below is a verbatim excerpt of the most recent email message FWRC President Steve Nardin, W9SAN sent regarding plans for Field Day. Sorry about all the… Read more »

June Board Meeting

The June board of directors meeting is tonight, 7 p.m. EDT in room 138 of the Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, 4700 Vance Ave, Fort Wayne, 46815. All are welcome.