Contest-Related News

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The FWRC participated in the Indiana QSO Party this weekend, and ammassed approximately 25,000 points.

The next contest for the club will be the ARRL VHF QSO Party, June 8th and 9th.

On-the-air planning meetings for the VHF and Field Day events will start back up May 16, at 7 p.m. EDT, on the 146.76 MHz repeater in Fort Wayne. If you are interested in being involved or helping out with either of these, please try to attend, or communicate with me via e-mail or phone.

The June FWRC meeting is planned for Dolnick Learning Center (site of the Field Day effort), June 21. We have talked about trying to do the meeting at the actual site, to get people involved, and catch some free help with setup and testing. It is also the “QRP” night before Field Day! Should be a great time!

Field Day weekend is June 22 and 23. Everybody ready? Didn’t think so!

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