Author Archives: w9lw

Vintage Radio Photos Available

Photos of vintage radios displayed at the March, 2013 FWRC general meeting are available in our online photo gallery, thanks to WB9SSE.

SKYWARN Training Handouts

Due to budget constraints, paper handouts are/were not available during the Allen County SKYWARN spotter training Feb. 26. Below are links to the handouts, so you can view and/or print… Read more »

Feb. Minutes Available

Minutes of the February, 2013 FWRC general meeting are now available on this website. For your convenience, use the link below. {jd_file file==36}


Amateur Radio Emergency Service

Many members of the Fort Wayne Radio Club participate in the Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES), which consists of licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment for… Read more »