Author Archives: w9lw

Auction photos online

Al Burke, WB9SSE has uploaded photos from the Jan. 18, 2013 FWRC auction. FWRC Treasurer Bob Streeter, W8ST reports that the club recieved income from the auction totaling $402.50  


The Fort Wayne Radio Club and Allen County Amateur Radio Technical Society jointly operate a Digital Smart Technologies for Amateur Radio (D-STAR) repeater. This page is designed to provide helpful… Read more »

Club History

ARRL affiliation certificate signed in 1930 by ARRL founder Hiram Percy Maxim. See a larger version. The Fort Wayne Radio Club traces its origin and roots through several predecessor clubs… Read more »

Online SKYWARN Spotter Training

The Northen Indiana office of the National Weather Service recommends the resources below for onlie storm spotter traiing In the absence of in-person training by the National Weather Service. NWS… Read more »