Author Archives: w9lw

RACES plans statewide drill July 27

Joseph Lawrence, K9RFZ, RACES Radio Officer for Allen County, sent the following information via email July 23. We’ve reprinted it here for any interested operators who might not have seen… Read more »

“No-Name” and Help and Swap Net

Sundays and Wednesdays, 8:30 p.m. ET, 146.91 MHz or EchoLink node number 519521. The Help and Swap net immediately follows the “No Name” net, whenever the latter ends.

July meeting minutes available

Minutes of the July 19, 2013 general meeting of the Fort Wayne Radio Club are available on this website in PDF format. Use the download link below. {jd_file file==47}

Field Day 2013 video

Tom Rupp, KU8T created the video below of the FWRC 2013 Field Day operation: {youtube}59uNqpEZCUs{/youtube}