Author Archives: w9lw

Field Day poster available

A PDF file containing a poster for Field Day 2013 is available. Use the link below to download it. {jd_file file==44}

How to find Field Day

The Fort Wayne Radio Club’s Field Day 2013 station will be located at Dolnick Learning Center on the north campus of Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne (northeast of the intersection… Read more »

Spring Banquet Photos Available

Al Burke, WB9SSE, has provided two photos from the FWRC Spring Banquet, which took place May 10, 2013. You’ll find them in our photo gallery.

Ham Radio Featured in Genealogy Magazine

The February/March 2013 issue of “Internet Genealogy” magazine included an article, “Can You Acknowledge Receipt?” by Fort Wayne author Carol Richey about QSL cards. The story quotes FWRC President Steve… Read more »

IMO Traffic Net

Daily, 6:30 p.m. ET, 146.88 MHz (or 146.76 MHz if the 146.88 MHz repeater is unavailable). Local net of the ARRL National Traffic System.