Two-Meter Classic Sprint

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(Updated June 2, 2021)

The Fort Wayne Radio Club announces a new, short, monthly VHF SSB/CW contest, the 30-minute, Two-Meter Classic Sprint. Read on for details and rules.

Purpose: To encourage weak-signal activity on the two-meter band
Sprints held the first Saturday of each month. First sprint is June 5, 2021
1300Z to 1330Z (Thirty minutes, starting at 9 a.m. EDT when daylight saving time is in effect or 8 a.m. EST when standard time is in effect.) This is not an error. It’s a short contest. That’s why we call it a “sprint.”
SSB and CW only
Two-meters only
144.050 -144.100 MHz CW only, 144.200-144.270 MHz SSB only
Consecutive serial number and grid square
Base (high-power, low-power, and QRP)
(high-power and low-power)
Scoring is based upon a points system. Please read the paragraph below entitled “Points system”.

Log submission: Send your score summary to Jim, AC9EZ, at Include the following information with your score summary: callsign, total number of QSOs, and entry category.

Base category rules:

Base station definition: A station using a permanent antenna system.

  1. No cross-mode, non-simplex, or digital QSOs are allowed.
  2. No dual-frequency CQ’ing.
  3. Only one transmitted signal is allowed at any point in time.
  4. Base stations must operate from a single grid square for the duration of the event.
  5. Contacts may be arranged by any means of communication possible (both ham and non-ham means).
  6. Spotting assistance is allowed.
  7. No self-spotting.
  8. Stations may be worked once per mode (e.g. once on CW and once on SSB).
  9. Rover stations may be worked again if the rover has moved to a new grid square.
  10. High-power stations may use ≥50 watts PEP.
  11. Low-power stations may use between 11 and 50 watts PEP.
  12. QRP stations may use up to 10 watts PEP.

Rover category rules:

Rover station definition: A complete station (including antenna system) that can be transported easily to non-permanent locations.

Rover category stations follow the same rules as the Base category, with the following additions and/or exceptions.

  1. A Rover station may operate from more than one grid square during the sprint.
  2. Rover stations may work the same station (either base or rover) once on CW and once on SSB per unique grid square (e.g. A rover may rework the same station once the rover has either moved to a new grid square or the station worked has moved to a new grid square).
  3. Rover stations may have additional operators and/or drivers, so long as only one callsign is used during the event.
  4. Rover stations may operate while in motion.
  5. Portable stations are considered rover stations for this sprint.
  6. Self-spotting is allowed.

Points system:

Two-Meter Classic Sprints are held once per month. Stations earn points for participation and for score placement in each month’s sprint.

A station’s score placement for a particular month’s sprint is determined by how many QSOs he/she made in that month’s sprint. The station that with the highest total number of QSOs in a particular category earns a first-place finish for that month’s sprint, and thusly is awarded 10 points for that month’s sprint. A station earns eight points for a second-place finish if they have the second highest total number of QSOs in their individual category. A station earns seven points for a third-place if they have the third-highest number of QSOs in their individual category. All other stations receive six points for participating and sending in their score summary for a particular month’s sprint. Stations are only awarded points if they submit a score summary within the score submission deadline to Jim, AC9EZ.

Points system example: If station W9TSB participates in the June sprint and submits a score summary with the highest total number of QSOs of any submitted score summary in the base station-QRP category, he receives a first-place finish. For that month’s sprint, W9TSB receives 10 points, since he placed first in the base station-QRP category. If W9TSB participates in the July sprint but submits a score summary with the second-highest total number of QSOs in the base station-QRP category, he receives eight points for the July Sprint. This means that W9TSB has earned a total of 18 points after participating in two of the seven sprints held in 2021.

Points are accumulated throughout the year, with a station’s points totals for each month’s sprint being added to their cumulative points total. The final cumulative number of points at the end of the year determines a station’s final placement in their category for the entire year. Certificates will then be awarded to stations based upon their year’s end points totals.

Here are the monthly points values awarded to stations based upon their monthly score placement:

1) First-place finish per category: 10 points
2) Second-place finish per category: 8 points
3) Third-place finish per category: 7 points
4) All other scores, any category: 6 points

After each monthly monthly sprint, the awarded points for each station will be published on the FWRC website. The cumulative number of points earned by any particular station will also be available on the FWRC website. After the conclusion of the final sprint held in December 2021, final, cumulative points totals will be published on the Fort Wayne Radio Club’s website, along with the announcement of the first, second, and third-place finishers for each category. Certificates will be awarded to the first, second, and third-place finishers in each category at the end of the year after the announcement of the final results.

Score Submission:

Submit your score summary, either in a text format or with the filled out score summary form, to Jim, AC9EZ, at or to Jim’s home address listed on his page. Electronic score summaries should be received by no later than three days after the end of the event. Paper score summaries should be postmarked by no later than three days after the end of the event. Do not send in your log. Only submit your score summary.

Download a log sheet that you may optionally use (but not submit).

Download a score summary sheet that you may optionally use for your submission.

Event Dates:

June 5, 2021
July 3, 2021
August 7, 2021
September 4, 2021
October 2, 2021
November 6, 2021
December 4, 2021

Question or comments:
Questions or comments can be sent to one of the following contest organizers:

Chris, W9TSB (
Adam, KD9NRT (
Jim, AC9EZ (

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