The Fort Wayne Radio Club (FWRC) will conduct its 2022 ARRL Field Day operations at Jefferson Township Park, 1702 Webster Road, just east of New Haven, Indiana. Road construction near Historic Fort Wayne led the FWRC board of directors to choose a new location for this year.
On-air operations begin at 1800 UTC (2 p.m. ET) Saturday, June 25 and run through the night until 2059 UTC (4:59 p.m. ET) Sunday, June 26.
Members of the general public are always welcome to visit the club’s Field Day operation.
Club leaders have not yet announced when station setup will begin.
Field Day is an annual amateur radio activity organized since 1933 by ARRL, The National Association for Amateur Radio in the United States.
Hams from across North America ordinarily participate in Field Day by establishing temporary ham radio stations in public locations to demonstrate their skill and service, as the FWRC will do. Their use of radio signals, which reach beyond borders, bring people together while providing essential communication in the service of communities. Field Day highlights ham radio’s ability to work reliably under any conditions from almost any location and create an independent, wireless communications network.
This year’s event is also noteworthy given that a particularly active hurricane season is predicted. Hams have a long history of serving our communities when storms or other disasters damage critical communication infrastructure, including cell towers. Ham radio functions completely independently of the internet and phone systems and a station can be set up almost anywhere in minutes. During Field Day, hams demonstrate how they can quickly raise a wire antenna in a tree or on a mast, connect it to a radio and power source, and communicate effectively with others.
In 2021, more than 26,000 hams participated in Field Day from thousands of locations across North America, according to the ARRL.