Brad Peterson, N9MTF, has made the Brandmeister nationwide talkgroup (3100) static on his DMR repeater, at least temporarily. It’s a very active talkgroup, so having it “always on” versus “on-demand” will make it easier for local DMR users to know if they’re within receiving range of the repeater.
The repeater’s antenna is on the roof the Parkview Hospital Randallia, 2200 Randallia Drive, in northeastern Fort Wayne. Its frequency is 442.63750 MHz, with a typical, +5 MHz offset and it uses color code 1.
Talkgroup 3100 is static on timeslot 1, which means that even when that talkgroup is in use, timeslot 2 remains available for QSOs on local talkgroup 2 and Indiana statewide talkgroup 3118, among others (DMR repeaters can support up to two, simultaneous QSOs on separate timeslots).
A few weeks ago, Brad replaced an antenna connector, which markedly improved the repeater’s receiving capability.
Although the repeater is not owned or operated by FWRC, this information is provided because it might be of interest to local hams. Direct questions about the repeater to Brad, whose email address can be found on