The FWRC October meeting was Friday night, October 17th. October is our typical election month, and the BOD for 2015 was chosen that night. Results were very close, but the following won the day, and will serve for next year:
Office | Winner |
President | Steve, W9SAN |
VP | Carole, WB9RUS |
Secretary | Al, WB9SSE |
Treasurer | Bob, W8ST |
Communications Manager | Charles, KC9MUT |
Director | Linda, W9LAN |
Director | Tom, N9TB |
Director | Tom, KU8T |
Director | Terry, K9FMX |
You know how they say that your vote counts? Well, some posts were decided by one vote! This was a very close election for the contested positions. Thank you to all that threw their names onto the ballot!
The annual Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) is held the middle weekend of October for world wide connection between Girl Scouts and Guides and Boy Scouts. This year the Fort Wayne Radio Club put together two demonstrations for local scouts. At the Boy Scout office on West Jefferson in Fort Wayne, we did a short demo of ham radio using Echolink technology for Cub Scouts. This ran from 10:00 to Noon. Also, we did a much more extensive station and fox hunt setup at Camp Chief Little Turtle in Steuben County. The camp operation consisted of two HF stations, one on 40 meter CW and SSB, and a second on 20 meter SSB. It also had three hidden “foxes” and three direction-finding radio receivers for scouts to practice their skills. The operation ran from approximately 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on Saturday. There was a break for some really good camp food at lunch time.
The operation was a great success, and roughly 100 scouts passed through the communication table and the fox hunt section. I want to thank all that were involved in making this run so smoothly for the scouts:
- Charles, KC9MUT
- Mike, AC9BE
- Rich, KC9PUX
- Al, WB9SSE
- Terry, K9FMX
- Robert, KC9UHU
- Jim, K9OMA
This was a great effort by the FWRC in showing off Amateur Radio Technology to a new generation! Also, it was a “shakedown” of the recently donated transceiver, the Yaesu FT-1000 Mark V, from W9INA, and it did not disappoint! What a sweet rig to operate!
October fox hunt
The October FWRC Fox Hunt was held on Sunday, Oct 19th, starting from the Public Safety Academy and using 146.430 FM simplex. The winners were Charles, KC9MUT, and Fred, KC9EZP.
See the Fox Hunt Chronicles for a full story on the hunt.