We still could use a few more operators for this coming Saturday’s JOTA (Jamboree On The Air) event to link scouts worldwide via Amateur Radio. We will be meeting before 9:00am to start setup at Camp Chief Little Turtle in Stueben County, and we will be running till around 4:00pm. Breakfast and Lunch will be provided by the scouts.
If you are interested in helping out, please contact Steve, W9SAN at w9san@arrl.net, or Mike Boschet, AC9BE at michael.boschet@gmail.com, or Rich Gilson, KC9PUX, at signman359@grmail.com.
If you can help out at the Boy Scout office on West Jefferson, let us know ASAP, as it looks like we will not be able to support this other JOTA location.
Also remember: FWRC meeting this Friday night at 7:00 pm. Program is by Jim Boyer, KB9IH, on Arduino applications for Amateur Radio
This Sunday: FWRC October Foxhunt. Starting point and frequencies to be announced.