Auction this Friday Night

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QST QST QST…..This coming Friday, January 18th, be sure not to miss the Fort Wayne Radio Club’s annual auction.

Here is how it works…. everyone either buying, selling, or both must register and receive a number. The club is always number one!

When an item is sold, the buyer pays the club the selling price. The club then gets 10% of that amount, up to a maximum of $20. The remainder goes to the seller.

We love stuff donated to the club, but if it does not sell, we cannot be responsible for disposing of the item.

Set up for the auction starts at 6:00pm. We will try to get things going and the meeting started by 6:30pm. We have to be done by 8:45pm.

If you have a big ticket item, rigs; etc.. let us know ahead of Friday, so we can get the word out, and you will have a better chance of selling it!

Chad and Paul, both professional auctioneers, will be doing the announcing, as long as they don’t get the flu!!

I will have some club items for sale, including a Cobra CB Base station rig with “Power Mic”, amoung others.

Don’t miss this great annual event to help out the radio club! Put it on you refrigerator calendar before your spouse puts a dinner date with the Kowalskis!! (they are so boring!)

73, C U there! Steve, W9SAN

Online SKYWARN Spotter Training

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The Northen Indiana office of the National Weather Service recommends the resources below for onlie storm spotter traiing In the absence of in-person training by the National Weather Service. NWS also recommends these resources as the basis for volunteer-led spotter training:


December Newsletter Available

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The December 2012 Issue of the Allen County HamNews newsletter is now available for download from this web site.  This issue is available for download by clicking the link below. This and previous issues are available by clicking the “Files” link in the main menu to the left and then clicking “Newsletters.”

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