Help Plan INQP Operation

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For planning our upcoming Indiana QSO Party activity, which will be run this coming Saturday, May 4th, at Dolnick Learing Center on the IPFW campus, noon to midnight, please join me tomorrow night for an on-the-air meeting.

We will be meeting at 7:00 pm on the 146.76 repeater in Fort Wayne. If you would like to join in on the operating for this event, but cannot make it to the meeting, please e-mail me at W9SAN@ARRL.NET and let me know if you plan to attend and what equipment you can bring along to help out.

Last year, we won two thorphies from the Hoosier DX club for best club in Indiana and highest Multi-Multi operation. Hopefully, we can do as well this year!

April Fox Hides in Uncharted Territory

The Foxhunt Chronicles

fox cartoonThe third foxhunt of the 2013 FWRC’s foxhunt season occurred on Sunday, the 7th of April on a beautiful warmish spring day. Just a perfect opportunity to be outside after a long winter.

April’s contingent of hunters included the team of Jim & Annie Pliett, K9OMA & KA9YYI plus Carole & Al Burke, WB9’s RUS & SSE; the team of Charles Ward, KC9MUT, accompanied by a blast-from-the-past, Phil Hooper, AB9IZ; the team of Linda & Steve Nardin, W9’s LAN & SAN plus their grandson Alex; and the team of Bob Dean, KC9UHU & Dave Spence, K9NDU. So there was a total of eleven hunters’ intent upon getting after their ever elusive prey (as long as it wasn’t in New Haven, although it turned out that it was).

Serving the role of the prey for this contest were Kim & Jim Machamer, KB9’s DOS & DOT. They hole-up at a single diamond baseball complex in Klotz Park, hidden in the Southwick Village neighborhood of New Haven, and a part of the New Haven Parks and Recreation System. This location was not on any of the maps, paper or electronic, possessed by the hunters, and I think a band of Navajo Trail Trackers would have had the same amount of trouble we did ferreting out their location. Why, it was almost like Jim and Kim planned it that way,…….hmmmm.

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