In preparation for ARRL Field Day, the FWRC will hold several on the air planning meetings. These are open to anyone who wants to participate in the event on June 24 and 25 at Ginsberg Hall at PFW northeast campus.
The club plans on-air meetings on the 146.91 MHz repeater (or Echolink node 519521) at 7 p.m. ET on the following dates:
- Wednesday, June 14
- Monday June 19
- Wednesday, June 21
If you plan to join the club on Field Day, please let a club officer know, even if you can’t attend any of the above meetings.
Non-hams are invited to come out for Field Day, learn about the event, and even get on the air with licensed hams at the controls. The on-air meetings can be heard with a scanner by tuning 46.91 MHz FM.
The 2023 Field Day site will be near Ginsburg Hall, on the grounds of the Purdue Fort Wayne north campus (outlined in red on the graphic below). All stations will be outdoors (tentatively marked a star (club trailer) and diamonds (tents)), but we will have access to restrooms in Ginsburg Hall and can take shelter there in the event of severe weather.
The typical Field Day schedule is as follows:
- Setup starts around 8-9 a.m. Saturday with stations complete and tested.
- Operators meeting at 1:30 p.m. to review category, etc.
- Field Day operation begins at 2 p.m.
- Food usually planned for 5:30 p.m.
- Operations continues through the night.
- Field Day operation ends at 2 p.m. Sunday, tear down begins.
- Ready to leave by 4 p.m. (typically).