2021 Indiana QSO Party
Fort Wayne Radio Club Involvement
Defending our Honor
Saturday, May 1, 2021, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. (local time)
Once again, it’s time to make our club stand out! The club competition for the Indiana QSO Party (INQP) relies on aggregate scores submitted by individual club members. That means all we need to do is get on the air from our home stations, makes some contacts on HF (SSB or CW or both), and submit our logs as members of the Fort Wayne Radio Club.
During the 12-hour event, stations from all over Indiana will be calling, “CQ Indiana QSO Party.” Simply contact them, log their information (signal report and county . . . . or, if out of state, signal report and state) and give out a signal report (everyone sends 59 for SSB or 599 for CW) and your county.
Logging of contacts can be made by using special logging software like WriteLog, N3FJP, or N1MM. The INQP webpage (http://www.hdxcc.org/inqp/) also suggests several others but these are the ones that work the best. Both WriteLog and N3FJP are for purchase. The N1MM Logger+ is totally free and supports all contests and state QSO parties without having to download extra files. Like N3FJP and WriteLog, it can interface with your radio, connect to a DX Cluster via telnet, interface, and log FT-8, PSK, RTTY, along with producing files for uploading to ARRL’s Logbook of the World and whatever computer logbook you operate. You can also have it submit your score!
Logging of contacts can also be done manually on paper. I’ve designed a special log sheet for the FWRC along with a summary sheet that will be sent out at the next INQP email to the membership. This will make it super easy for you to casually add to the Fort Wayne Radio Club participation. Several of our club members used these log sheets last year. This is our 101st year as a club. We are an active club! Last year we set a new Indiana club record, winning the club competition category with 28 entries from our club. Yes, 28 club members submitted logs accumulating a huge score of 753,438 points with nearly 5,000 contacts! Look at these scores from last year:
Operator | QSOs | Score | Operator | QSOs | Score | |
Jack, W9GT | 787 | 190,124 | Jim, AC9EZ | 501 | 112,267 | |
Jay, W9LW | 335 | 55,341 | Josh, W9HT | 446 | 50,803 | |
Dan, K9EA | 260 | 29,288 | Jim, KD9GDY | 219 | 26,840 | |
Tom, KU8T | 208 | 26,460 | Ed, WA9BBN | 184 | 18,212 | |
Don, K9LI | 165 | 16,632 | Al, K9FW | 120 | 8,400 | |
Bill, W9SA | 94 | 3,666 | Steve, W9SAN | 81 | 3,293 | |
Norm, KD9HAV | 75 | 2,700 | Terry, K9FMX | 59 | 2,600 | |
John, W9WN | 44 | 2,376 | Joe, KJ9R | 106 | 5,618 | |
Ritchie, N9RIS | 66 | 2,310 | Richard, N9HRA | 55 | 1,650 | |
Dennis, KD9KMK | 43 | 1,333 | FWRC, W9TE | 36 | 700 | |
Mike, KB9OZI | 26 | 494 | Chad, KD9INP | 30 | 420 | |
Larry, KB9OS | 25 | 373 | Rose, KA9GKE | 21 | 210 | |
James, KR9U | 16 | 208 | Bill, K3HZP | 5 | 40 | |
Carla, KD9ITZ | 3 | 3 | Ken, N8KR | 898 | 190,809 |
It is time to start planning! To help answer questions and further discuss our participation, a special 2 meter net will be held on Monday April 19th at 7pm on the 146.91 repeater. We will have one additional net just prior INQP.
If you have interest in downloading and using the free N1MM Logger+ (Windows 7,8,10) here is the link and basic directions:
- www.N1MMwp.hamdocs.com
- Downloads
- Program Files
- Full Install
2 step process:
- Download and run Full Install (Base Install)
- Download and run Latest Update Files
Start the program run N1MM+
Questions? Contact me on the repeater or N8KR@ARRL.net
Ken – N8KR on behalf of The INQP Planning Committee for the FWRC