FWRC recevied today the following information from Fort Wayne Hamfest Chairman Joseph Lawrence, K9RFZ:
“The Fort Wayne Hamfest Steering Committee has closely followed the progression of CDC, Indiana State, and local Health Dept individual recommendations and large gathering guidance. Consultation with annual volunteers and long-time loyal vendors indicates a growing consensus their attendance would be limited due to pandemic concerns. Our host venue is going to great lengths to minimize infection risk, recently published recommendations stating, “Individuals 65 years of age or older, or those in high risk categories with underlying health conditions, should consider not attending any event at the facility.” The Indiana Governor has extended the mandatory mask wearing order through the end of October.
“In the face of this much credible pandemic risk, the Steering Committee has decided to cancel this year’s Fort Wayne Hamfest for the health safety of our valued guests, vendors, and volunteers. We share your disappointment and hope for a swift end to the pandemic so we may again meet for eyeball QSOL’s and support favorite ham gear vendors at hamfests across the country.
“We look forward to hosting a healthy and safe Fort Wayne Hamfest on November 13 & 14, 2021. See you next year!”