The Fort Wayne Radio Club will hold its August fox (hidden transmitter) hunt Sunday, August 2 at 1:30 p.m. EDT. Hunter meet at in the parking lot of 24/30 Surplus (formerly K-Mart), 820 N Coliseum Blvd., Fort Wayne.
The fox will transmit on 146.430 FM simplex with one minute out of every five minutes. At the fox site, a micro-fox of approx 50 milliwatts will transmit every 2.5 minutes. Intercom for the event is on the 146.76 repeater in Fort Wayne.
All are welcome! You can even help out from home if you have a directional antenna.
Some ride along space might be available. Those who participate in a hunt can receive a free three- element tape measure yagi antenna.
We always have a great time, so please plan on joining the FWRC Fox Hunt Team!