Many of you have no doubt heard talk on the repeaters of another FWRC Silent Key Auction. OK, this has been in the works for a while now and we are just about ready to begin. Actually, it is several auctions rolled into one! We have two people here in the Fort who have equipment from either a spouse or father that were amateurs. Also, one local ham can no longer use his gear, so his daughter has asked that we let it go. Plus, there has been equipment donated to the club (one rig and one tower), and to top it all off, the folks at ACARTS have some surplus stuff that they need to clean out so they can reduce the size of their rental locker space. Whew!
This is intended to be a “local pickup” kind of auction as we do not want to get into shipping stuff around the country. So, bear that in mind when bidding.
We intend to run this as an on-line auction by using the software at the Auction company that Paul, KA3OPZ, works for. The tentative plan is to start the auction on May 7th, and let it run through Memorial Day, May 28th. Payment and pickup will be the following week, at the FWRC club meeting on June 15th.
More details will follow shortly, but I think you have been waiting for the list of gear long enough, so it is included below. We will be filling in the information on the result of our testing as we go forward, so you can make informed decisions. Plus, we will be calling for volunteers to help take down the two towers mentioned in the list. Questions can be sent to Steve, W9SAN, at
Payment is intended to be cash, certified check, or money order payable to the Fort Wayne Radio Club.
Click the link below for more details.{jd_file file==214}