The next volunteer examiner test session here in Allen county will be Saturday August 5. The test session will be held at the Boy Scout Office on the southwest side of Fort Wayne. Their address is listed as 8315 W Jefferson Blvd. but they are actually located at the end of Olde Canal Place, which intersects with West Jefferson at the entrance to Lutheran Hospital, just off I-69 at exit 302. We will be in the basement next to the kitchen.
We will be taking check-ins from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. The W5YI volunteer examiner coordinator fee for 2017 is still $14; you will need a photo ID and a second form of ID as well. If you are testing for an upgrade, you will also need to bring a photocopy of your current license to leave with the paperwork.
The final test session of the year will be held at the Fort Wayne Hamfest in November. If you have any questions please call Tom Baker, N9TB, at 747-2714