Fund raising for the Fort Wayne Radio Club

I bet you have heard the “come-on” pitch. “Double Your Money”…and the fine print that hardly anyone reads. Many of the “double your money” offers seem to be unreal…requirements that are difficult or impossible to meet.


The FWRC Matching Fund Drive is a honest “double your money” offer. No strings attached. Here is how it works:

The FWRC is raising funds to construct a wide area coverage repeater system to be installed on the WLDE tower north of New Haven. The estimated cost of the project may total as much as $7000, or perhaps even more. This is way beyond the capability of the FWRC treasury to fund. A Matching Fund drive has been established by the Board of Directors to help raise the money needed for this project.

Several generous and dedicated club members have joined forces to make you an offer: For every dollar you contribute to the Matching Fund drive, they (as a group) will match it dollar for dollar.

You contribute $10, the club benefits by $20.

You contribute $50, the club benefits by $100.

You contribute $250, the club benefits by $500.

Each dollar contributed moves the club twice as far toward the project funding needs. You can think of this as a challenge, with the matching fund donors challenging you to make them spend their money.

The current matching fund level is capped at $1500 for matching dollars, so donations totaling $1500 to the matching fund drive will result in $3000 available to the club exclusively for the WLDE project.

Matching fund drives typically last for a specified time limit. This fund drive will last through the end of November 2016. The club will publish the fund drive totals at regular intervals.

Donations will be accepted at any time, from anyone. This fundraiser is not restricted to FWRC members. Donors can make multiple donations if it is more convenient for them. A donation of any amount may be made.

The matching fund has collected donations of $120 thus far, yielding $240 for the club. This is 8% of the way to the matching fund goal of $3000.

Often donors prefer not to be identified. The amount of the donation will not be revealed unless the donor requests that it be made known. The FWRC will make provisions for anonymous donations in this way:

If you want your donation known only to the club treasurer, put your money (cash or check, do not mail cash) in an envelope and mark it “Treasurer Only-Anonymous”. You may send it to the club post office box, the treasurer (W8ST) directly, or give it (in a marked envelope) to any Board of Directors member.

If you want your donation known to the Board of Directors but not to the club membership in general, send your money (cash or check, do not mail cash) in an envelope and mark it “BoD Only-Anonymous” to the club post office box or give it (in a marked envelope) to any Board of Directors member.

Donations that are identified but not marked as anonymous will be acknowledged in the ACHN at the conclusion of the fund drive.

The Interesting History of Matching Fund Drives:

The first gift matching was a scheme devised and implemented by Benjamin Franklin in 1751 when he persuaded the Pennsylvania Assembly to appropriate 2,000 pounds of public money if the citizens of Philadelphia could first raise 2,000 pounds of private money. (from

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