2016 Allen County ARES VHF Contest
- To promote FM Simplex operation.
- To provide a local, fun, fast contest with equipment most hams already own.
Saturday, April 16, 2016, 1200-1600 Local Time
The contest is open to all radio amateurs.
This contest is designed for hams to have fun over a short period. You don’t need to devote an entire weekend, just an enjoyable Saturday afternoon. So get a cup of hot chocolate, a comfortable chair, and sit down for a few hours to see who is on the air. There will be some rovers running around during the full contest period to keep activity going the entire time.
This is a low key contest, do not feel rushed, there is plenty of time for a short chat. You can move a participant to another band. Ask questions, meet someone new. The rules are simple, equipment requirements minimal. It is really a pleasant way to spend a few hours on the radio.
Frequencies: Limited to the FM simplex frequencies on the following bands. 2 Meter, 220 band, 440 band
No contacts are permitted on the calling frequencies.
- Base
- Rover
- Portable – Limited to 10W, with transceiver mounted antenna
Call sign, your sequential contact number, and County/Township
Note: You should not use a separate set of sequential numbers for each band. Start at the beginning of the contest and keep going in order even if you change bands.