Ken Ledgerwood, KC9NWM sent an email message to several recipients Nov. 10 announcing that the Hoosier Lakes Radio Club will coordinate the 2014 SKYWARN Recognition Day special event station at the northern Indiana National Weather Service (NWS) office near North Webster. The event runs from 0000Z Dec. 6 (7 p.m. EST Friday, Dec. 5) to 2400Z (7 p.m. EST) Saturday, Dec. 6.
SKYWARN Recognition Day (SRD) provides an opportunity for NWS offices to recognize Amateur Radio operators for their commitment in helping keep their communities safe. Information about SRD is available online at
The Hoosier Lakes club plans two HF antennas (One 10/60 meter vertical and one 80 meter loop). It also plans to make use of VHF and UHF antennas permanently installed at the NWS office.
Ledgerwood indicated that operators are needed. Any amateur who wishes to participate should make a reservation by contacting Ledgerwood at He asks that operators provide the following information when they contact him:
- Name
- Call sign
- Planned arrival date and time
- Times available to operate (operators are welcome to make reservations even if they can only operate for one hour … time slots are available throughout Friday evening, Friday night and Saturday).
As with last year’s event, operators are not welcome to “drop in” without making prior arrangements. As a secure federal government facility, the National Weather Service office is unable to accommodate unexpected guests.