ARRL Central Division Director George R. (Dick) Isely, W9GIG, sent an email message today to all ARRL members in his division (which includes the Indiana section), urgently asking members to encourage their congressional representatives to co-sponsor HR 4969, the “Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2014.” Isely’s message appears below.
Subject: URGENT – More HR 4969 Co-Sponsors Needed
September 3, 2014
URGENT – We Need More HR 4969 Co-Sponsors
The ARRL is making good progress on obtaining U.S. House of Representatives Co-Sponsors for HR 4969. However, we still need more so that we can press the FCC into extending the provisions of PRB-1 to include private Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) attached to private residential property. We need many more ARRL members sending electronic letters, email messages, etc., to their Representative requesting their co-sponsorship NOW. The U.S. House of Representatives has returned from its August vacation and this session will last about a month until they adjourn in October for election campaigning in their respective districts.
For an in-depth discussion of the rationale for submitting HR 4969, including a brief history of ARRL’s struggle to obtain a level playing field for Amateur Radio Licensees living in CC&R restricted communities, please access the HR 4969 link in the horizontal scrolling portion of the ARRL website homepage.
If you do not know who is your representative, this information is available here. You will also find detailed instructions on how to communicate with your Congressman / Congresswoman.
Due to the short remaining best time (rest of September) for making your request, please send email copies to me and our new lobbying firm – The Keelen Group – in Washington, DC. The Keelen Group’s email address is: Please put HR 4969 as the first word in your email Subject line.
On Monday, Sep 8th, I am flying to Washington, DC to personally lobby for this very important issue on behalf of all U.S. Amateur Radio Licensees. A very large quantity of individual, well-documented, polite but firm, email requests will greatly enhance my efforts.
For the first time in the 12 plus years I have been your ARRL Division Director, I believe we have a pretty good chance to get the FCC to extend PRB-1. The more individual messages sent to the U.S. House of Representatives, the better our chances of success.
Thank You –
George R. (Dick) Isely, W9GIG
ARRL Central Division Director
ARRL Central Division
Director: George R Isely, W9GIG