FWRC Members:
We have been asked to participate as operators for the annual Skywarn Recognition Day event that is coming up on Friday, December 6th to Saturday, December 7th from 0000 UTC to 2359 UTC at the National Weather Service site in North Webster, Indiana. This is a special event station for the WX9IWX station at the NWS, and will join other Skywarn SE stations around the country.
In the past, other Northeast Indiana clubs have helped to activate this Special Event, but now we are being asked if we can help out. If you can run one of the VHF stations on that Friday evening, please let us know. On Saturday, we can set up HF stations and run most of the day, if possible. The NWS has plenty of room inside, so we would probably not need to run in the trailer, or any outside location.
If we are going to help support this effort, I need to hear from all of you that are interested in the next week or so. This is not an event you can decide to help on Saturday morning and just jump in the car and head up there! We will be interested in phone, CW, and digital operators for the HF bands, 80 to 10, and also VHF operators for FM and internet based modes as well. We can use the call sign W9TE or WX9IWX.
Sound like something you might want to help with? Want to show the NWS that we support the Skywarn program at all levels? Please reply to W9SAN@ARRL.NET, and let me know, but please don’t drag your feet on this one!