If you were not present for the 2014 Club Elections this past Friday night, here are the results:
President: Steve Nardin, W9SAN
Vice Pres: Carole Burke, WB9RUS
Secretary: Al Burke, WB9SSE
Treasurer: Bob Streeter, W8ST
Communications Manager: Charles Ward, KC9MUT
BOD: Tom Baker, N9TB
BOD: Tom Rupp, KU8T
BOD: Kim Machemer, KB9DOS
BOD: Linda Nardin, W9LAN
Special thanks to :
Rich Gilson, KC9PUX
Jon Preble, AD9DX
who were also running for BOD positions. We appreciate your participation!!
I am looking forward to a great 2014, which will be the centennial year for the ARRL.
Next month’s meeting will be a video of Fox Hunting fun, by Charles, KC9MUT. This should be great!